Adult Classes
Willing Workers
Taught by Katherine Speck, this is a mature group of Christians that enjoy directed discussion.
Ron’s Class
Taught by Ron Shawver, this is a group of diverse ages that explore the church’s teachings in a instructive format.
Stepping Stones
Taught by Amy Miller, this is a group of adults that are studying the book of Revelation.
Young Adults
Taught by Mark Teeters, this is a group of young adults and high school seniors that enjoy directed discussion.
Youth & Children’s Classes
-Infant Nursery – Brenda Miller (SS) – Parents during Worship Service
-Toddler Nursery – Eillie Bishop
-Kinder Class (4 & 5 yr. old’s, Kindergarten) – taught by Eileen Crotsley
-1st thru 5th graders – taught by Todd Miller
-6th thru 12th graders – taught by Hannah Smith
Other Sources for Education:
Church of the Nazarene: CLT/Lay Ministry Curriculum: