Where Can I Serve?
Phil 2:1-4 Now if you have known anything of Christ’s encouragement and of his reassuring love; if you have known something of the fellowship of his Spirit, and of compassion and deep sympathy, do make my joy complete, live together in harmony, live together in love, as though you had only one mind and spirit between you. Never act from motives of rivalry or personal vanity, but in humility think more of each other than you do of yourselves. None of you should think only of his own affairs, but consider other people’s interests also.
Community Outreach
Backpack School Program
Thanks for giving this past school year!!
There will be no more collections until fall.
Thank you!!
Any questions, see Abigail Shawver.
Cancer Care Ministry
A gathering for Cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors.
We meet the 3rd Sunday of each month at 4:30PM.

Men’s & Women’s Clothing Needed
Please see Dawn Grager with your donations!
The Food Bank
The Food Bank has now reopened for Clients!!!

Baby Bottle Boomerang
Baby bottles will be available to pick up on Mothers Day. Then you fill them and return them by Fathers Day! This will help Crossroads Pregnancy Center with their ministry! Thank you!!

Saturate USA
Is a God-sized vision to take the love of the Gospel to 120 million households by the end of 2027. The hope is to spark true repentance and revival in our beloved country. See Brenda Miller or a member of the Mission’s Council to participate or for more information.